Sunday, March 11, 2007

This blog is going to be about sports. More precisely, me showing off how much I know about sports. Or, more accurately, ya'll worrying about how much I like sports. I'm going to try to tie everything we do in this class to sports, no matter how much of a stretch it is. I will try to bring every conversation that we have back to sports, no matter how little they apply.

Clearly, a lot of this is tongue-in-cheek, but behind every joke there is some truth. And I probably will do what I just said more often than not.



1 comment:

Chris J said...

I am actually going to respond to this post because you only have 3 posts, I've responded to one, and I don't want to respond to the other one. What is he deal with this arrogance of your knowledge of sports? What is your true meaning for creating this blog? Everything is going to pertain to sports, but it appears thus far it will involve your personal admiration of Mark Cuban...what's really good?? :)